Find out what horsepower is really under your hood. 


We explore diverse topics with top industry experts and the power names who specialize in gettin’ shit done.



Our team of champs and legends are here to supercharge your engine and provide you with the knowledge you need to succeed.



This isn’t connecting with like-minded people, this is joining a crew that becomes your family. The bigger we are, the more impossible it is to push us over.



This is your nitros oxide boost –  our keynote speakers will blow your mind. Learn from their success stories while you write the script to your own movie.

Our Story

In Drive Live is a platform where hosts bring us together in person and on web conferences to talk shop, and talk various topics of what to REALLY do, connecting participants through profiles and messaging for online networking.


Take the Next Step

Sign up now and start connecting with the people that pull you up, not knock you down.

The why 

There are not private groups out there like In Drive Live. This is a dimension apart from the norm in the realm of online networking and magic making. To see is to believe, to believe is achieve, and to achieve is to lead. 





Meet Our Experts

Discover the talented individuals driving innovation and knowledge sharing at In Drive Live.

Shannon Briggs



Jane Taylor




Andrew Smith





What They’re Sayin’

Attending In Drive Live was a game-changer for me. The speakers were inspirational and the networking was invaluable.


I’ve never experienced such a seamless and powerful way to connect with industry leaders before. This is the opportunity I prayed for.  In Drive Live is a must-attend event!


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